Your questions answered
Here you can find answers to the most commonly asked questions. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, please just give us a ring or send us an email.
What is your settling in policy?
We offer a stay and play session, for two hours or split into two one hour sessions. We know that this can be a big moment for you and your child. Each child has individual wants and needs, particularly in a new setting away from people they don’t know so we work hard to understand and support these needs, adapting sessions as needed.
What do I need to provide for my child?
- Wellies
- A named water bottle
- Named packed lunch (no nuts or sweets please)
- Indoor shoes, such as slippers, daps or crocs
- Full change of clothes
- Nappies and wipes if applicable
- Summer/Winter hats
Does my child need to be potty trained?
No – we have facilities to change children and support them with potty training when they are ready.
Do you provide lunch/snacks?
We provide healthy snacks every morning, along with milk/water to drink. We often cook and bake, and try to use produce from our own garden too. Parents are asked to provide a healthy packed lunch with no sweets or nuts. We are a Sugar Smart Healthy Eating setting, if you would like any advice on healthy eating please speak to a member of staff.
How will I know how my child is getting on?
Your child will be allocated a key person, Amanda is the back-up key person in the event of staff absence.
The key person will share small group and 1:1 activities, we use informal Scrap Books, which contain the children’s work and ‘Wow’ moments, children have access to these which allows them to be pro-active in their own learning journey.
Scrap books are always available to take home and share with parents/carers
The main emphasises on the Early Years Foundation Stage is learning through play and for staff to spend time with their key group, building a strong bond, supporting them to achieve their full potential.
Each day we inform parents of activities by sending a message and photograph using Whatsapp. We also put a ‘What we have done at Magic Box’ form in our display window.
Our staff are always available, in person, or via text or email to support you ensuring the best outcome for your child.
When can my child start Magic Box?
We take children from two years old.
What are your opening hours?
We are open Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9-3
Can I get involved with Magic Box?
As we are a committee run pre-school, we are always pleased to welcome new parents to join us.
The children always enjoy a visit from parents to share an activity, read a story, share cultures/beliefs, or simply come in and spend time/play.
What are the fees?
We charge £6.00 per hour. There are no additional charges to this. Your child will be eligible for government funding towards this cost the seasonal term after their third birthday. Please contact us for further information.