A day in the life
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure children learn through play, with a balance of child/adult led activities. We shape learning with inspiration from the wealth of countryside resources on our doorstep, as well as the interests of the children in our care. Here some of our children talk about what they do in a day…

Imogen’s mummy brought in their Guinea Pigs – the babies were tiny! I liked the black and brown ones the best, they were scratchy. Then I read Monkey Puzzle with Karen and coloured in Spider Man.
It was sunny so we had a picnic in the park. I ate my veggies then I looked for the big bad wolf in the trees with my friends.
I put 19 dinosaurs on the scales and made it the same [so they balanced]. Then we read a story in the wooden house outside. It was about a cat who wanted some milk but when the farmer got him some milk the cat had falled asleep!

My favourite thing
“I like puzzles, the sandpit and playing outside.”

Carol takes the register to see who is here and we all say “good morning”. Then I read my favourite story and joined the numbers on the computer to make an insect. I can count to 13!
Today we had a summer BBQ – it was yummy! Then it was story time in the wooden house. It was about a dog – I have 2 dogs at my house. Afterwards I changed into my trainers all by myself to play in the sandpit and make a mud pie in the kitchen.
I played “babies” with dolls and pushchairs and my friends. I’m the mummy. Then we went on a hunt with our backpacks, and did puzzles with Carol. I love puzzles. Then I even made a blue angel with play doh!

My favourite thing
“I like it when we all bake
cakes together.”